I know this is a deeply contentious topic, but do you ever see yourself doing a video outlining what you think the "correct" action(s) Israel should take are? I completely understand if you don't want to deal with the backlash of making one, but I get the sense watching your videos that you're not completely convinced that the current plan is ultimately going to lead to "success" for Israel.

While I think what Hamas did/does is obviously deplorable and I fully understand that Israel needs to defend itself. I can't help but feel long term this current approach is ultimately going to make tensions significantly worse and lead to way too many innocent deaths on both sides. Even if Hamas is "defeated" a large portion of the Palestinians are going to be radicalized and spawn a new terrorist org or just "reset" Hamas. Which obviously I condemn, but at the same time if I lost my family/friends in an airstrike and most of my city was destroyed, I would have deep rooted disdain for the country that did it. I can't help but think the super pro-Israel crowd hasn't thought this far or that some of them seem to be okay with a genocide. It just seems both the US and Israel have made similar mistakes in the past and don't appear to have recognized/learned from them.

Again, I completely understand if you don't want to touch this one directly, but it would be interesting to hear your opinions on what should be done. Maybe I'm wrong about ability to neutralize Hamas or missing some things.

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It doesn’t have to be that way. Look at Japan and what we did to it yet now they are one of our closest allies. But will it work with the Palestinians? Will supporting and rebuilding and making them prosperous change their mind about Israel?

Maybe, maybe not.

Definitely not if the religious radicals in Islamic sects interfere.

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I think the Army is always ready to fight the last war more than the next one. What do you think should US military be doing to be better prepared for the next conflict?

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Now that you have staff and are publishing articles as well as video content, have you thought of rebranding?

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A large number of Iranian youth are actively pro-U.S. and pro-Israel, despite their life-long indoctrination to hate the U.S. and Israel. This is one of the results of the Woman Life Freedom revolution that is still going on in Iran. Why do you think this revolution hasn't gotten more attention? Young men have been hung in public executions, young women have faced brutal assaults leading to death, etc. Morality police have been cracking down and grabbing women off the street if they don't have their head scarves just right. I expected to see more support from at least some of the groups around the world that support women. Instead, there is mostly silence. Video links: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/vntDxWuiPSQ (school kids refusing to step on the U.S. flag) A couple items from X: https://x.com/AbirAlsahlani/status/1757343888317055100?s=20, https://x.com/Seeingidoc/status/1726779139846230182?s=20 (Searching for the #WomanLifeFreedom hashtag will return a lot of posts)

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This is an interesting question. It's hard to get a true sense of the overall sentiment in Iran, but anecdotally from random YouTube videos/news articles I do get the sense there is a large portion of Iranians which are "pro-west" that are being brutally oppressed. I know when Mahsa Amini was killed there seemed to be quiet a bit of momentum to overthrow the regime, but sadly it it looks like that has died down due to brutal oppression.

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So, is Fanisha "TJ" and is TJ your sister? Because she's a whole lot prettier than you are!

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Hi Preston , thank you for leading by example . It is exciting too see the channel grow

I would like to contact you regarding a sponsorship opportunity , please let me know the best way to get in touch

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Thanks so much for the kind words! I'll shoot you a DM with a point of contact for sponsorships

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What is known about how Iran smuggles assets to the Houthis? Any public details on land/sea or estimate on capacity?

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I wonder what your thoughts are about the planned exercise with Russia, Iran and China, planned for the next few weeks? Might this be linked to the attempt to hurt satellites in space, or moving of ships to Antarctica? Might this be more than an exercise?

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A suggestion, there are many israeli news groups, that posts videos from the current war, data from fallen soldiers and news about the war. For example they had access to a video of the british boat really sunking, fully. This is the link: https://chat.whatsapp.com/GEWVlKzZo846eYukLgtMzv

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Hey Preston. What additional Western tanks do you think could be sent to Ukraine in fairly large quantities to replace Soviet/Russian-style tanks as they are lost in combat or get too worn out to be repaired? For example, would the Challenger 1 tanks recently retired from Jordanian service make sense? Or could we possible persuade the Saudis or Turks to send some of their modernized M60 tanks to Ukraine or sell them back to us in order for them to be refurbished in the US before being sent over?

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Curious what you think the reason is for you being constantly shut down on TikTok.

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great work there Stewart, i do tune in everyday for an update, i find your videos very informative and well constructed keep it up.

The bellingcat put out an interesting piece about the resurfacing of Syrian conflict images into the current conflict between Israel and Hamas, honestly i find it really hard to place images within the proper context and that's for someone who speaks both languages, sometimes the amount of information is just overwhelming, we are all human and we do make mistakes.

How do you deal with the amount of miss/information in your daily work? any tools that you can recommend ? side question what about the mental health aspect? cheers!

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This week, Putin made a statement that Biden’s reelection was better for Russia than if Trump wins. This goes alongside your question yesterday about Biden/Trump policies in Gaza.

Given the historical remarks of Trump, wouldn’t it be fair to say that Russia might benefit from a businessman with no true allegiance to political agendas rather than a career politician who has already made clear that he would do whatever it took to support Ukraine and defend EU from Russian aggression? The narrative since Trump took office has been anti-NATO in my opinion. Without picking sides, how can you see through this next presidential election in the eyes of geopolitics without worrying about dementia or some wild toilet tweet? Can there be a consistent strategy in the future with the exchange of power between parties?

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Hey Preston! I’m sorry to hear that you and your family are living in Murfreesboro, my prayers go out to you. Are you optimistic that the IDF would fully pull out of Gaza before completing their objectives? Speaking to some people within Israel it seems like the populous is very supportive of the invasion, despite external pressures and Israel’s suffering reputation.

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